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Frost and Sullivan's Director Joins MarketsandMarkets as Vice President - Client Partner
[March 06, 2015]

Frost and Sullivan's Director Joins MarketsandMarkets as Vice President - Client Partner

DALLAS, March 6, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

MarketsandMarkets, announces Paul Waadevig who has joined MarketsandMarkets as Vice President - Client Partner.  Paul has led winning sales and operations teams for more than 18+ years, building and managing large, high-growth technology, research and sales organizations.  Most recently Paul was working with Biamp Systems in Unified Communications product management and prior to that Paul was a Global Director at Frost and Sullivan serving in a variety of clients in different industries.

Paul has handled many global consulting, research and sales leadership roles and played a key role in significant engagements with hundreds of clients. He is subject matter expert in unified communication and has worked on complex business solutions resulting in increased success and growth for his clients.

Paul has always believed that the best way to be successful in the market research and consulting business is by continuing to focus on the client's needs and he is excited to continue engaging with industry innovators and growth leaders in his new role.

"We are delighted to have Paul join the exective team," said Sandeep Sugla, CEO of MarketsandMarkets. "Paul is a proven executive who has a track record of building and managing high-growth sales organizations. He will be a great asset to the organization, both in terms of sales leadership and overall executive leadership."

About MarketsandMarkets , world's no. 2 firm in terms of premium market research studies, fastest growing company from 2 to 1100+  analyst team in 4 years and growing 500% this year. MnM is a market research and consulting firm specializing in high growth markets, disruptive technologies transforming businesses and newer applications.   M&M clients include seven out of the top 10 companies in Pharma/Biotech, Medical Devices, Semiconductor and Electronics, Sensors and controls, Chemicals, Advanced materials, Agriculture, Engineering and Equipment's, Healthcare IT, Imaging and Diagnostics, Food and Beverages,  Power and Energy, IT and Telecom, Aerospace and defense, Automotive and transportation, Industrial Automation, Security. M&M is now sponsoring more than 200 global conferences each year across multiple industries.

MarketsandMarkets is a market research & consulting firm dedicated to meet unmet needs of b2b business. We focus mainly on 'high growth' upcoming technologies and newer applications across different verticals; have 350 top global fortune companies as clients and a team of 350 professionals;  M&M deliverables are well received globally by the C-level executives including Director/VP Marketing, business development, brand managers, and CEOs from the top Fortune 1000 companies globally. 

Most recently Paul Waadevig.

Mr. Chandrasekhar K. 
North - Dominion Plaza,
17304, Preston Road,
Suite 800, Dallas, TX 75252
Tel: +1-888-600-6441
Email: [email protected]

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